Tiny Treasures Learning and Child Care Centre
3971 Major Mackenzie Drive, Unit 5, Woodbridge, ON L4H 4G1
(corner of Major Mackenzie Drive and Vellore Avenue)
T 905.879.TINY (8469) | E info@ttreasureschildcare.ca
Hours: Monday to Friday – 7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Ages: 2.5 - 4 Years
Classroom Ratio 1:8
Our program focuses on play and play based learning while introducing children to a slightly more structured environment. Preschool programs make learning fun for children who are preparing to enter a formal education system. Our educators focus on social interaction, basic reading skills and learning through play. Our curriculum prepares young children for that all–important leap into kindergarten…and beyond.
Support socially acceptable behaviour
Learn letters and their sounds
Word recognition
Learn numbers and what they mean
Develop problem–solving skills
Support independent thinking
Provide lots of opportunity for imaginative play
Learn about emotions and appropriate ways to express them
Experience a variety of ways to be creative
Support fine – and gross–motor skills
Lots of outdoor play
Independent dressing – getting dressed to go outside and getting undressed
Hygiene – wiping after potty, washing hands and brushing teeth